Defend WA's Nature
Western Australia is a special place, home to Ningaloo, the Kimberley, the South West forests, quokkas, and more. We are blessed with some of the most spectacular landscapes and unique wildlife on earth.
When WA’s nature thrives, we thrive. Healthy forests, thriving wetlands and clean, safe waterways and air are essential to our well-being.
A strong Western Australian economy needs a thriving environment. Many of the industries that Western Australians work in – agriculture, tourism, fisheries, mining – directly rely on the services nature provides every day, and contribute billions of dollars to our economy.
Fossil fuel companies want to continue getting away with environmentally damaging acts and little scrutiny.
But West Aussies love nature and want to see it properly protected.
Our ecosystems are under so many stresses. Whether it is climate induced heat waves and forest collapse, invasive species or direct impacts from mining, clearing or pollution, our native species need all the help they can get. That's why new nature laws are so important.
Western Australians want and deserve politicians who will heed the science, stand up to vested interests, and act decisively to protect nature.
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